Attacking Chess Pieces       Home  

alt="Your browser understands the <APPLET> tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason. " Your browser is completely ignoring the <APPLET> tag! This puzzle comes from Ken Duisenberg's Puzzle of the Week.
The object is to place the chess pieces:
Q(ueen), 4 K(ings), 2 R(ooks)
such that every occupied or unoccupied square is attacked.

Standard chess rules apply, except
  • Kings attack only empty spaces
  • Rooks are friendly and don't attack each other
Red X's indicate attacked squares. The puzzle is solved when all squares are so marked.

To move a piece, click a square and then another.
Their contents (empty or not) will be exchanged.
To vary the puzzle, enter a new sequences of K's, Q's, and R's in the text field at the top.